"Pupdate" on Parking Lot Puppies


We know many are interested in an update (or perhaps we should a “pupdate”).

All three of our parking lot pups are doing well in their foster homes and we are so deeply thankful for the support so many offered. Our finances are well restored so that we may continue to offer the absolute best care for our current and future intakes. We have many thank yous to catch up on and we appreciate your patience!

Wally, Marty, and Ross are all accepting applications at paddyspaws.blogspot.com so that they may join responsible families. Each family will need a flexible schedule, and commit to neutering and a puppy class by 6 months of age.

These three puppies will be out of the overpopulation cycle and won’t contribute to further homelessness and litters, but there are still so many out there. And so many people keep this cycle going.

How can you help?

🐾 Please, DON’T purchase ANYTHING from stores that sell puppies or contribute to the greed of puppy mills/backyard breeders. NO reputable breeder would ever sell their puppies in a store, nor would they have a barns and basements full of dogs. You are not “saving” a dog when you purchase from these places. You’re only filling the pockets of the greedy folks behind these operations and condemning breeding dogs to a life of misery. (And if you know about these places, please make a firsthand report to the state so they may investigate!)

🐾 If you have information on the puppies and their origins, please contact the Janesville Police Department to report.

🐾 Spay and neuter your pets and commit to them for their lifetime.

🐾 Please follow and support groups like Bailing Out Benji to find out more on how to be part of the solution!