Update on Dolly!
We wanted to take the time to thank all of Dolly's supporters. She has been through so much since she was hit by a car on June 12th. After spending a week at the UW Vet Clinic, she is now in a foster home where she is recovering and receiving multiple physical therapy sessions every day. Dolly hopes to get adopted too! We have received many generous donations during this time to help cover her medical costs. We are well over half our goal and are continuing to fund raise and collect donations to finish paying for Dolly's surgery and for future follow-up appointments.
Here are some upcoming ways that you can donate towards Dolly:
This Thursday, Jefferson's Summer "Concerts in the Park" Series is featuring an Irish Band and all tips collected from beer sales will go towards Dolly's medical care. http://jeffersonlivemusic.com/?page_id=7
This Saturday, we will have a booth at the Fort Farmer's market selling a variety of items such as homemade dog treats and other handmade crafts. All money made from the sales will go directly towards Dolly's vet bills.
You may also donate online https://goo.gl/k7emrH
Thank you for your continued support!